The East Tennessee Healthcare Executives Association chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives ACHE recently recognized two Covenant Health administrators – Michael Hatmaker, vice president of support services for LeConte Medical Center and nursing home administrator of Fort Sanders Sevier Nursing Home in Sevierville, and Jeremy Biggs, president and CAO of Cumberland Medical Center in Crossville. Biggs and Hatmaker received the chapter’s two annual Service Awards for 2015.

Michael Hatmaker, vice president of support services for LeConte Medical Center and nursing home administrator of Fort Sanders Sevier Nursing Home in Sevierville
The East Tennessee Healthcare Executives Association includes affiliations with individual members and healthcare organizations in a 51-county territory. Local ACHE chapters help address both local and national healthcare management needs, and offer opportunities for networking, education and career development at the local level.
The ACHE recognition program honors individuals for specific volunteer activities that demonstrate healthcare leadership and further professional excellence. Activities may include writing, speaking, mentoring, committee service and chapter leadership, among others.
Hatmaker served as president of the East Tennessee chapter and a member of the ACHE Regents Advisory Council in 2015 and has been in other chapter and committee leadership roles for the past five years. He received the Young Healthcare Executive of the Year Award in 2014.
Biggs is a past president of the East Tennessee chapter and has served on the ACHE Regents Advisory Council and the Higher Education Network Committee for multiple years. He is a past recipient of the organization’s Young Healthcare Executive of the Year Award and the Early Career Healthcare Executive Award for participation and support of ACHE.