The volunteer scholarship committee at LeConte Medical Center recently presented three $1,000 scholarships.
The first recipient, Alexa Alana, donated over 100 hours of service to the medical center as a junior volunteer. She is also the daughter of Ariel Alana, laboratory supervisor at LeConte Medical Center. Alexa graduated from Gatlinburg-Pittman High School this week, and will be attending Rhodes College in the fall. Her career goal is to become a pediatric radiologist.

Volunteer scholarship committee members Mary Bundren, Julia Householder, Jenny Hanson and Jackie Hounshell present a $1,000 scholarship to junior volunteer Alexa Alana.
The second recipient is Jon Coppenger, RN, in the critical care unit at LeConte Medical Center. Jon has been a nurse at LeConte since 2004. This fall he will begin a master’s level program at King University to become a nurse practitioner.

Volunteer scholarship committee members Mary Bundren, Julia Householder, Jenny Hanson and Jackie Hounshell present a $1,000 scholarship to ICU nurse Jon Coppenger.
The third recipient, Will Hanson, donated over 380 hours of service as a junior volunteer at LeConte Medical Center. Will graduated this week from Gatlinburg-Pittman High School, and will be attending the University of Tennessee in the fall. Will’s career goal is to become a surgeon.

Volunteer scholarship committee members Julia Householder, Mary Bundren, Anne Haun, Jenny Hanson and Jackie Hounshell present a $1,000 scholarship to junior volunteer Will Hanson.
Annually the volunteer scholarship committee at LeConte Medical Center reviews applications from employees, children of employees, and hospital volunteers who are pursuing a career in healthcare, or furthering their education in the healthcare field. The volunteer scholarship fund was established by the auxiliary at Fort Sanders Sevier Medical Center, and began distributing scholarship funds in 2008.
The volunteer scholarship committee members include: volunteer services coordinator May Bundren, volunteer Bob Clements, chief administrative officer Jenny Hanson, volunteer Anne Haun, chief financial officer Jackie Hounshell, volunteer Julia Householder, volunteer Beulah Lowe, marketing and volunteer services manager Amanda Paletz, and volunteer Peggy Roddy.